Frequent asked questions

  • Is the booking engine optimized for all types of accommodation?
    Yes. Hotels, hotel chains, aparthotels, holiday apartments, boutique hotels, resorts, campsites, hostels, rural complexes... Do not hesitate to contact us.
  • Can I hire your revenue management tools even if I have another booking engine?
    Generally speaking, yes. Some of them are indivisibly linked to the Paraty Tech booking engine, but they are the least.
  • What channel managers are you integrated with?
    We are integrated with the main channel managers in the market. And if we are not integrated with yours, we can always undertake the integration. Do not hesitate to consult us.
  • Is it possible to manage the charges through the booking engine?
    Yes. Our booking engine is integrated with the main POS terminals, payment gateways and collection platforms in the different markets in which we operate, including Bizum in Spain.
  • Can I hire your contact center even if it has another booking engine?
    Yes, that's the idea, that Ring2Travel becomes a sales support for any tourist accommodation. And if you already have your own reservation center, Call Seeker, our solution to generate quotes and pre-bookings, can also be very useful.
  • Do you offer online technical support?
    Yes, there is always someone on call to deal with emergencies and, on a day-to-day basis, you will have your own account manager assigned to deal with your requests and pass them on to the appropriate department.
  • What sets you apart from other booking engines?
    We are the only booking engine in the market that develops all its technology internally, including revenue management tools and the booking engine itself. The fact that we do not depend on third parties allows us to undertake any improvement suggestion and correct any incident in an extraordinarily agile way. It is no coincidence that our customer service is, without a doubt, one of our main hallmarks.
  • I already have a website. Can I integrate your booking engine?
    Yes. We have different ways to undertake this integration: iframe, code injection... Do not hesitate to contact us.