Filter system
When a potential guest contacts the hotel to request a quote, through the "Booking Engine" section of the menu, the person handling the request will be able to perform the query in real time, configuring the parameters indicated and making use of various filters:
- Standard filters
Check-in date, check-out date, number of rooms, promotional code, number of adults and number of children. The standard parameters of any booking engine. - Additional filters
You can select the market in which you want to make the query, to access the actual prices of the applicant's country of origin, and select the language of the query (important to send the pre-booking in the natural language of the applicant). - Special filters
Ignore minimum stay: so that the search returns results regardless of the number of nights selected.
Ignore availability: whether or not there is availability, the search will return results.
Show mobile rate: will allow the query to be performed taking into account the prices displayed on mobile devices.